Thursday 11 February 2010

Steps to Syntax

Well the Collier book Using SPSS Syntax has arrived! Now as it's the last weekend before essay deadline I can't indulge it for long but there are a couple of things that I must show you. They're useful to some extent even if you don't want to go further down the syntax route so no excuses for not reading or doing.
  • The Journal
Find or make a folder you want to have all your SPSS inputs sent to. I have mine as a sub folder of my course folder but you can have it where ever you like yours. Go Edit -> Options. On the first tab General the second box on the left entitled Session Journal check that the record syntax button is ticked and it's set to append just below then check the browse button just below to set your folder to recieve your SPSS inputs. Mine was previously set to the Temp folder which I guess must be the default option. This is a good thing to do even if you never use syntax as if you are unable to remember how you did an analysis and need to prove how you did it this provides a record which you can consult.
  • The Log
If you have no interest in syntax this is a bit less relevant but if you're thinking about it for the future this is a great thing to do. Again under Edit -> Options but this time under the Viewer tab which is the one on the right of the General tab. Tick the box "Display commands in the log" which is on the bottom left and then click OK. This should in the output viewer display the syntax commands used to get your results.

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