Monday 8 February 2010

Interaction in Factorial ANOVA

There is no interaction in graphs 1,5 and 6 while there is interaction in 2, 3 and 4. Of those that have interaction 2 and 4 have ordinal interaction where the graph lines remain separate but 3 has disordinal interaction as the graph lines cross each other. If there is interaction does this make the main effect pointless? Possibly but not necessarily. The most advanced analysis tool that can used in this situation is the Mk 1 Common Sense; not a lot of vendors stock that.

Now the sharper ones amongst you will notice that these graphs aren't done in SPSS in fact they are done in OpenOffice. It seemed a good idea at the time after all it's just the direction of the lines which is important; anyway this reminds me of a joke. Two accountants are sitting next to each other on a train. One leans over to the other and says "I see your not using Excel" and the other goes "No I'm using an alternative spreadsheet, I like to express my wild side"

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